Saturday, July 14, 2012

Afternoon treat.... A tall java chip frap from Starbucks... No whipped cream.

I hate myself


Bad breakfast!

Just a fiber bar with a dollop of peanut butter and a glass of milk. I was expecting to be making scones with a friend, but the plans fell through. Now I'm hungry again. It's been like two hours.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Chocolate ice cream!!


Pizza for dinner..... I just needed it.


Snack time! So hungry...


Lunchtime I couldn't get a picture, but I had three sharp cheddar cheese sticks, an apple, some goldfish, and half a day old donut. No judgements.

Bored yet?

Same breakfast as yesterday cuz it sounded good.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Homemade raspberry muffin for dessert.... Mmmm.


Grilled zucchini with Parmesan and ricotta cheese! Mmmm


Snack time for the kids at the pool. I wanted one too!

Something sweet

Lunchtime prework!

Off to work soon, but this is my guilty pleasure. I'm obsessed with Amy's spinach pizza snacks. They're my healthiest guilty pleasure so I figure I might as well indulge it.

Breakfast! Sliced strawberries and banana with a sprinkling of granulated sugar, and a FiberPlus bar. Mmm!

My iPhone camera lens is scratched, sorry for the quality! Just think of it as an Instagram picture.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oof. It's been a while.

Here's the thing. I went to get a physical the other day, and discovered that I gained ten pounds since last summer. That's not good. That's not good at ALL. So I need to start blogging my diet again to regain some semblance of health. Good thing I already have a handy dandy blog JUST FOR THAT!

Breakfast today: Raspberry banana smoothie, chocolate peanut butter Fiber Plus bar.
Starbucks: Tall iced latte.

Just updated one of my diet apps on my phone for the first time in a year. Apparently, my BMI claims I'm obese. GREAT.