Friday, July 23, 2010

[Day 6] Oops

Yeah, yeah, so I forgot to post. Whatever. I also forgot to take a DailyBooth picture, but I think you can all live without seeing my butt for a day.

Food Diary (it was a weird day for food)

Breakfast- Almonds and an apple

Second breakfast- Raspberry and banana smoothie

Writing snack- small white chocolate mocha (from starbucks. Yuck.)

Dinnerish- 1 slice of Pablos pesto pizza

Second dinner- Blueberry and banana smoothie



Exercise: Abs and arms today. I did a bunch of sit ups and stuff. Then I got on the Wii and did a couple games. I'm getting really good at the meditation balance game. I can actually sit still for three minutes! A record.
I think tomorrow might be my rest day, but who knows. See, we have company. More on that at my "real" blog.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, just about blew my ear drums out when you fired that puppy up! ha ha
